Exhibitors & Sponsors Information
The Land Rover Owner Show (LRO Show) provides a fantastic opportunity to reach more than 18,000 Land Rover enthusiasts from across the globe, who love to spend money on parts, tools, adventures and more – anything that helps them enjoy their Land Rover more!
79% of visitors specifically visit the show to shop for the goods on offer, spending in excess of £4.19million over the weekend! What’s more, 94% have said they’ll come back this September to do it all over again.
Warning to Exhibitors – Exhibition Directory Scams.
Please be advised that the Land Rover Owner International Show has no affiliation with Expo-Guide, Fairguide, International Fairs Directory, or any other listing company that may contact you. Please ignore any contact made by these companies and ignore any paperwork they send you. Do not engage or communicate. It is a scam.
It has been widely reported that companies such as these are contacting exhibitors and sending forms that often look legitimate by including prominent reference to the Exhibition Name and Show Organiser. The form will ask you to confirm basic information which is usually referenced in relation to advertising or listings promoting the Exhibition. However, the fine print on the form sets out a contract for purchasing advertising over a 3 year term at a significant cost. If you sign and return the form, invoices will be sent to you demanding payment.
The Association of Event Organisers has advised not to engage with these types of organisations and to always be sure to read the fine print before signing anything in relation to an event.